Jun 14, 2009

Going Green

last week, we launched EcoDesigner  in AbuDhabi.  don't have pictures ..sorry my bad !

anyhow ... the event was successful, many new faces, and every one liked EcoDesigner . 

Now talking seriously ? I am an architect my self, and being an old school guy .. sustainability  and stuff wasn't really an issue that we are worried about in those days, ( we had an environmental designing course... but it was one of those ..arrrrgh lets skip the day  courses )  and to be honest, we the teenagers felt that its kind of Gay ! sorry ... but this is how we felt back in those days.

now the thing that I want to talk about, that now as a grown up - kind of responsible person ( yeah..right ! ), I understand that helping mother earth is a must. 

and when Ecodesigner came, as a user I didn't get the concept immediately, as I was expecting more of those tiny details and complicated things.
but after the first demonstration I understood the concept, that this a tool for me ! not for the Green and sustainable specialist which can talk and talk for days... and I will be just listening  without actually understanding a word! 
its a tool that an average architect can use, the product is designed as a tool to enhance your design ... as simple as this !

hmmm.... off the record ? I still prefer a nice design rather than an environment friendly one ! don't get me wrong ... still we support the product :D but its just me !

so kermit was not 100% correct when he said : "its not easy being green "